Alkaline Water & Cancer

Alkaline water is said to help counteract the acid that’s found in your bloodstream. It’s thought that drinking water with a higher pH can increase your metabolism and improve your body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients....

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Alkaline Water & Children

As children grow they become more active and come in contact with more environmental toxins. Giving your own toddler to 5-year old water having a pH of 8.5 to 9pH helps them stay hydrated and also help their little bodies eliminate toxins....

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Alkaline Water & Obesity

The easiest way to lose weight without too much effort is by increasing your metabolic rate, or the rate at which your body burns calories.A higher metabolic rate means your body can burn unnecessary fat regardless of whether you’re awake or asleep.Cold alkaline water can have even higher benefits...

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Diseases that can be treated with ALKALINE WATER at 9.5pH

Alkaline water has been touted for its many health benefits. However, some of the more exciting benefits of alkaline water come from the potential it holds to treat common diseases. Some people believe that these diseases are caused by a buildup of acid in the body, and because modern medicine does not treat this buildup, it is often ineffective at treating the disease...

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The Benefits of Alkaline Water
How is Alkaline Water Good for Me?

The benefits of alkaline water become apparent to most people within a couple of weeks - but what is actually going on inside the body? Surely alkaline water is neutralized as soon as it enters the acidic environment of the stomach??

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Reverse Aging by Sang Whang Mr. Sang Whang is a successful inventor, scientist, and engineer. Mr. Whang has discovered a new theory of aging and reverses aging. He explains the health and aging processes in layman terms in his book, Reverse Aging. Below is an excerpt from that book. If you wish to purchase it, please see the link at the bottom of this page.

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Advantages of Alkaline water machine

Why not boiled water: Boiled water is "dead" water. Boiling "destroys" oxygen and nutritional minerals in the water. It will not take away the impurities, odour, heavy metals and chlorine. Boiled water tastes flat and makes water acidic too!

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