Basic policy on transactions

To offer "quality products which are assured by our technique which is approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare", we are conducting corporate activities with following the basic policy described below.

  1. Deal of trust
  2. We conduct transactions on a best effort basis at the point of quality, prices, delivery terms, technology, reliability, safety, after-sales service and trouble response with our sincere attitude.

  3. Compliance of laws
  4. For transactions, we commit to observing both the letter and the spirit of all relevant laws. If you agreed on our philosopy, you are certified as our partners.

  5. Partnership
  6. We want our partners to have a goal of our mutual development under our partnership while being our valued partners. To achieve this goal, we open the door to partners who have proposals of business expansion, and we also established an environment where new partners can easily participate and current partners can expand their businesses more.

*Note that this basic policy does not construe or form a part of any contents of a contract.

*Note that this basic policy does not construe or form a part of any application, proposal or subscription.

Our ideal partner

  •  A positive company which continues to pursue further leap and growth with utilizing our advantages.
  • A company which explores the possibility of establishment of mutual trust and reconciliation.
  • A company which embraces an interest on us as a method to pursue functionality and value-addition.
  • A company which understands the importance of normal growth of the market and thinks that "unreasonable price destruction will not be of benefit for the economy."
  • A company which is recognized as a "good company" not only by its client also by various others concerned such as "consumers," "competitors" and "suppliers."
  • A company which has originality and a desire to improve.
  • A company which discloses host information without shifting its own responsibility on to us or users of our products.